Tinnitus is not new. But it might be the first time you have had to deal with it. Usually, though not always, tinnitus presents as an incessant ringing or buzzing in the ears. Sometimes, the sound is very intense. However tinnitus is experienced by you, this point is most likely true: if tinnitus is troubling you, you may be looking for some new ways to deal with your symptoms.

The good news is that new therapies and treatments are being formulated that aren't cures for tinnitus but can help you manage it. Some of those therapies even concern your tongue.

Most Recent Approaches to Tinnitus

One of the latest treatments for tinnitus sounds a bit strange at first but does appear to show some promise. Both the ear and the tongue are stimulated with this device developed at the Trinity School of Medicine in Dublin. The technical term is bi-modal neuromodulation.

The results were fairly impressive with this device according to the first tests. Most individuals received treatments for a duration of twelve weeks or so. Those same people noticed a substantial reduction in their tinnitus symptoms, and the results lasted up to twelve months. But this kind of therapy is still in the testing phase and not widely available yet.

How Can I Get Tinnitus Relief Now?

Of course, it takes a while for devices to go from research and development to patient availability. So maybe you’re curious about what can be done now to help control your tinnitus.

Luckily, there are some newer tinnitus therapy devices available today. And the most prevalent way to handle your tinnitus is a modern hearing aid.

Here’s the way it works:

Everyday sounds are boosted by hearing aids. When you start to lose your hearing, external diminish and that can make the internal sounds of tinnitus get louder. A hearing aid can boost the volume on the rest of the audio spectrum. That doesn’t lower the volume of your tinnitus, but it might make the ringing less obvious.

Your hearing aid can mask the sound. A masking device may be the way to go if your hearing loss is mild. A hearing aid has a similar appearance to a masking device. And masking technology can be combined with modern hearing aids. This technology can emit sounds designed to mask your tinnitus symptoms. In some cases this will be a tone, in other situations, it might be some white noise. Whatever will best hide the humming in your ears.

Needless to say, this is just a starting point. We can help you discover the best choice for you so call us for a consultation.