Typically, your body excels at maintaining its own upkeep, including your ears. Earwax, known as cerumen, naturally forms in the outer ear to moisturize and shield the ear canal. While your ears usually don’t require cleaning, sometimes there’s an overproduction of earwax or it doesn’t exit the ear canal as it should. When an excess of cerumen accumulates, it’s advisable to seek ear cleaning from an audiologist. An audiologist will be able to perform a professional ear cleaning, and to see if you are experiencing related hearing issues.

It’s Safer Than At-Home Remedies

If you have a build-up of earwax, then it’s tempting to think that you can take care of the issue yourself. There are many home remedy solutions on the market that claim you can safely remove earwax from the comfort of your own bathroom. However, this is not recommended. While using these products doesn’t automatically mean that you’ll have problems, it’s important to keep in mind that the ear canal is highly sensitive and prone to injury. For that reason, it’s recommended to work with an experienced audiologist, who will have the expertise and tools required to clean your ears safely.

Why To Get Your Ears Cleaned

Having too much earwax might not sound like a big deal – until you have it. It can cause pain and discomfort, as well as impact your hearing levels. If you have too much earwax in the canal of your ear, then it’ll be more difficult for soundwaves to pass through. A professional audiologist can safely remove this buildup of wax. The process is usually completely pain-free and fast and can make a big difference to your experience of life.

Identify Other Ear Related Issues

Professional ear cleaning goes beyond just removing excess earwax; it’s also about identifying any underlying ear issues. Audiologists and other professionals are trained to spot conditions like infections or abnormalities during the cleaning process. Early detection is key because it allows for timely treatment, preventing potential complications down the road. By addressing these issues promptly, professionals can help maintain optimal ear health and prevent any further problems with hearing. Additionally, they can offer personalized advice and measures to reduce the risk of future ear issues, ensuring long-term auditory well-being.

Prevention of Hearing Loss

Professional ear cleaning by an audiologist is crucial for preventing hearing loss. Audiologists remove excess earwax and identify issues like infections or blockages that can hinder hearing. When earwax builds up, it can block sound waves, potentially leading to hearing problems. Early detection and treatment of these issues prevent complications that could worsen hearing over time. Regular professional ear cleanings help maintain good hearing health and preserve one’s ability to hear effectively.

In most cases, your ears will take care of themselves. But in some instances, there may be a buildup of earwax. While you might be tempted to try to remove this wax yourself, the potential problems that you may cause mean that it’s important that you work with a professional. If you are experiencing any issues with your ears or think you are overproducing earwax, contact an audiologist.